About Us

Team 888

Throughout our twenty years of being Team 888 Glenelg Robotiators (Robot-Gladiators), the team has built more than just robots; we have made friendships that will last a lifetime and build character. Each season brings out the passion and creativity out all of our students. The team works together on designing, prototyping, programming, and assembling a robot. Dean Sheridan started Glenelg's robotics back in 2002 as a class for school, later turning into an after school club. Our team provides students with the unique opportunities to design and build robots, develop solutions with independence, and work with others to overcome challenges. Last year our team won the Gracious Professionalism Award and Systems Engineering Award. In 2018 our team won the Engineering Inspiration Award which recognizes appreciation of engineering in the community.

About Our Leadership

About Our Mentors


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